Parkview Prattville, AL 36067

Parkview Community by Goodwyn Building
$278900 - 286300
Coming Soon! | 4 Bedrooms
3 Floor Plans

A neighborhood for living

Parkview is home. Nestled in close to several amazing parks and green spaces, Parkview is surrounded by natural beauty and opportunities to enjoy being outside. This neighborhood is also less than three miles from Prattville’s Downtown Riverwalk area and its abundance of shops and restaurants, proving Parkview to be an ideal blend of quiet nature and community living. Our homes are being added to an established neighborhood for that instant community feel. Parkview is within walking distance from Prattville High School and five miles from the elementary and middle school. Each of the four bedroom floor plans being offered in this neighborhood will have standard features that are energy efficient and work hard to save you money. Parkview homes are low maintenance and designed to offer comfortable open concept living so that you can easily fall in love with where you live.

Schools: Prattville Elementary School, Prattville Intermediate School, Prattville High School

14 miles from Maxwell Airforce Base

Utilities: Power: Alabama Power, 1-800-990-2726 Telephone/Cable/Internet: AT&T, 844-827-7057 OR Spectrum, 1-877-906-9121 Water and Trash: Prattville Water Works, 334-365-6783


Get In Touch


Watching a brand new home take shape is a rewarding experience for any homeowner. From the first dig of the foundation to the last coat of paint, it's definitely something you'll never forget. At Goodwyn Building, we take pride in the way we build our homes, and we want to share our enthusiasm and expertise with you. Not only do we build your home in the most efficient and effective way possible, but we'll help you understand every piece that goes into your home - so you can know it inside and out.

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